Saturday, June 23, 2007

Leytham Neighborhood Plan

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Leytham Neighborhood Plan
[Click on neighborhood plan to enlarge it.]

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The plan for Leytham is taking shape. The vision created during the design charrette last September is becoming reality. The engineered plan is remarkably close to the designed plan. Although not yet completely final, this is very close to how the Leytham neighborhood will lay out.

Here is a summary of the lot types. Not including the accessory dwellings over garages (think of the old style carrage house and you will get the idea immediately), or the appartments, or the flats over retail spaces, there are seven different home types. They include:

Estate Homes on lots greater than 72 feet wide;
Boulevard Homes on lots between 65' and 72' wide;
Park Homes on lots between 57' and 65' wide;
Village Homes on lots between 49' and 56' wide;
Cottage Homes on lots between 28' and 48' wide;
Row Houses, and
Live/Work Units.

Although the lots are not yet ready for pricing, there will be a wide range of lot prices that reflect the various sizes. This will enable Leytham to offer homes types and sizes in a wide range of prices. A diverse, walkable, interesting, beautiful neighborhood will be the result. These are the traits of our best loved places and this is what new traditional neighborhoods are all about.

If you would like more information on a lot in Leytham, just send an email to me at and we can begin to explore just how a home in Leytham can complete your heart's desire.



Anonymous said...

I can visualize my family sitting on our wrap around front porch eating breakfast. It's a beautiful sunny Saturday morning and we can see all the way down to the civic center of Leytham. Watch out lot 167, I have my eyes on you...

Herb Freeman said...

Actually, you will be looking UP the block from lot 167 to the community center, as the elevation of the land slopes down from the community center toward that lot. You and your wife have a standing invitation to come out to my home (a.k.a. the future heart of The Commons in Leytham) to have a beer or wine and consider what is to be. Just give me a time!